
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2016年12月13日 20:08 浏览次数:

题目:Understanding the dynamics of community support through discrete choice theory & agent-based modeling


时间:12月15日 周四上午10点



In order to design and run sustainableprojects that supply critical materials to meet society’s resource needs, thereis a need to understand the relationship between sustainability (real andperceived) and community acceptance. The perceived environmental impacts,counter-balanced by perceived socio-economic benefits, are important factorsthat influence an individual’s choice to support a project. However, there is acomplex interaction between the enviro-socio-economic impacts of miningprojects and the host community’s perceptions and preferences over time.

This seminar will present research atMissouri University of Science and Technology that uses agent-based modeling todescribe community acceptance as a function of individual perceptions ofenviro-socio-economic impacts. We used discrete choice theory to understandindividual preferences for mining development alternatives. We then used theresulting discrete choice model as the utility function in the agent-basedmodel. We verified that the utility function works as intended by comparing themodel’s predictions with data from a discrete choice experiment. Further, weused the Bass diffusion model to model the propagation of new perceptionsthrough a community.


这次研讨会将介绍密苏里科技大学的研究成果,它基于主体基础模型(Agent-basedmodeling)描述社会对采矿可持续性发展的接受度,包括环境-社会-经济影响个人的看法。我们使用离散选择理论(Discretechoice theory)来了解个体偏好以寻找最佳采矿方案。然后,我们使用离散选择理论的结论作为主体基础模型的效用函数,通过比较离散选择实验数据与模型的预测,验证效用函数的有效性。此外,我们将使用低音扩散去模拟新观念在社区内的扩散效应。


Dr. KwameAwuah-Offei is an associateprofessor of mining engineering at Missouri University of Science &Technology. He is a registered professional engineer. He recently served as amining engineering academic fellow for the US Securities & ExchangeCommission. Dr. Awuah-Offei’s research interests include modeling, simulationand optimization for sustainable mining systems. He teaches various graduateand undergraduate mining engineering courses. He is a nationally active memberof the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), a member of theSociety of Mining Professors, and a fellow of the West African Institute ofMining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (WAIMM). He is a past chair of the SMESustainable Development Committee.

