
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2016年12月11日 00:00 浏览次数:
题目:Teaching Computer-Aided Mine Design in Mining Engineering Curriculum


时间:1213日 周二下午3点



Mine planning and design in today’sindustry is heavily dependent on computer software. These software facilitateeverything from resource estimation, geometric design (using CAD tools),production sequencing, to facilities location and layout design. Consequently,today’s mining engineering programs should train students in basic miningengineering skills as well as skills in computer-aided design.

In this presentation, the speaker willpresent Missouri University of Science & Technology’s (Missouri S&T’s)experience trying to incorporate computer-aided mine design in theircurriculum. He will present the initial curriculum revision in 2010 toincorporate computer-aided mine design and the revisions since then to improveon the curriculum. He will also discuss the specific instances of two courses:Surface Mine Design and Mine Design Project I. He will discuss the studentlearning outcomes, course design and approach, student assessment, and feedbackfrom the students. The goal is to encourage discussion on how computer-aidedmine design can be better incorporated into mining engineering curriculaglobally.


在这次研讨会中,演讲者将介绍目前密苏里科技大学是怎样将计算机辅助矿山设计纳入到其采矿工程培养方案中的。他将讲述从 2010 年初计算机辅助设计课程的初次制定,直至目前为止矿山设计课程的重要修订和完善的内容。他还将讨论两个具体的课程实例︰露天矿设计和矿井设计项目。他将讨论学生学习成果、课程设计和方法、学生评价和来自学生的反馈。目标是讨论关于如何将计算机辅助矿井设计更好地纳入到矿业全球工程课程。


Dr. KwameAwuah-Offei is an associateprofessor of mining engineering at Missouri University of Science &Technology. He is a registered professional engineer. He recently served as amining engineering academic fellow for the US Securities & ExchangeCommission. Dr. Awuah-Offei’s research interests include modeling, simulationand optimization for sustainable mining systems. He teaches various graduateand undergraduate mining engineering courses. He is a nationally active memberof the Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), a member of theSociety of Mining Professors, and a fellow of the West African Institute ofMining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (WAIMM). He is a past chair of the SMESustainable Development Committee.

