
Guide for Application of International Distinguished Young Scholars’ Project in 2024
作者: 王聪乐 发布时间: 2024年08月29日 17:26 浏览次数:

The International Distinguished Young Scholars’ Project Program (after this referred to as the “International Program”/ “Program”) is an important mechanism established by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2013 to promote scientific and technological cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign youth, help developing countries strengthen scientific and technological capacity building, jointly train young scientific and technological leaders, and promote pragmatic international scientific and technological cooperation. To promote the organization and implementation of the Plan in the new era to a new level, better implement the Initiative on International Science and Technology Cooperation, build an exchange platform for mutual learning and mutual benefit of civilizations, and further do a good job in the application and organization of the International Youth Program, this Guide is formulated by the Administrative Measures for the International Youth Program and related work requirements.

1. Target principle

The plan upholds the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, advocates and implements the global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization Initiative, and promotes the construction of the Belt and Road Innovation Road. Based on the principles of merit-based selection, people-centered, openness, inclusiveness, equality and mutual learning, China will sponsor qualified international outstanding young scientists, scholars and researchers (hereinafter referred to as "International youth") to carry out work exchanges in China, to enhance the scientific and technological capacity building and innovation capacity of partner countries, and promote scientific and technological people-to-people exchanges between China and other countries in the world. To build a quality platform for young scientists to learn from each other, build long-term and stable scientific and technological cooperation partnerships with relevant countries, and pool consensus and strength for enhancing people-to-people exchanges.

2. Application requirements

2.1 Declaration conditions of the Chinese receiving unit

The Chinese receiving unit shall meet the following conditions:

(1) It is a research institute, university or enterprise established in China by the law, with appropriate channels and capabilities for foreign cooperation, with appropriate scientific research conditions and capabilities, and with legal personality;

(2) It can provide the necessary working conditions for experts in China;

(3) Be able to issue work invitations to experts and assist experts in applying for entry visas, foreign residence permits and other relevant procedures;

(4) Be able to pay relevant expenses in advance to guarantee the arrival of the expert’s living cost in China before receiving the funding from the program.

(5) Be able to provide supporting funds to pay for the administrative expenses of the expert, purchase of necessary scientific research equipment, domestic travel expenses, etc.

(6) Can designate the planning department and responsible person of the unit to undertake the management and answer questions of experts, and timely submit the progress, summary, final accounts receipts and other materials to the executive management agency of the plan (China Science and Technology Exchange Center).

2.2 Job Requirements

The jobs provided by the Chinese receiving unit shall meet the following requirements:

(1) scientific research or science and technology policy positions with clear responsibilities;

(2) non-secret-related posts;

(3) non-academic education;

(4) International youth must work with Chinese researchers.

2.3 Application conditions for the International Program

International Program candidates should obtain a letter of recommendation from the science and technology administration department of the government of the host country or the National Science and Technology Foundation, the diplomatic and consular missions of the host country in China, our diplomatic and consular missions (missions) or the overseas offices of China Association for International Exchange of Personnel (hereinafter referred to as the personnel recommendation agency), and meet the following requirements:

(1) The nationality of the "Belt and Road" co-construction countries or other developing countries;

(2) have a regular job in the above countries, engaged in scientific research or science and technology policy research;

(3) have a doctoral degree or more than 5 years of research experience;

(4) having high scientific research level or research potential;

(5) not more than 45 years old (calculated on the date of application for the job) and in good health;

(6) have good language communication skills in English or Chinese;

(7) Must be able to work in China full-time during the application period;

(8) Must comply with Chinese laws and regulations and other relevant rules.

3. Funding funds and forms

3.1 Time limit for implementation

The execution period of the planned project is divided into three categories according to the working time of each expert in China, which are 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

3.2 Amount of funding

The program subsidy is 20,000 RMB/month (before tax), that is, 60,000 RMB for 3 months, 120,000 RMB for 6 months, and 240,000 RMB for 12 months, which will be used to pay international travel expenses, living expenses during the period in China, housing rental, insurance purchase (insurance is required, and at least includes medical insurance and personal accident insurance) and other expenses. In addition, the Chinese receiving unit shall provide supporting funds to cover the expert's administrative expenses in China, scientific research equipment support, necessary domestic travel expenses, etc.

3.3 Forms of funding

According to the working period of the expert in China (3/6/12 months), the funding will be allocated to the Chinese recipient of the expert in China in one lump sum. After receiving the funds, the Chinese receiving unit will be allocated to the International Program in China monthly. The specific fund release method shall be agreed upon by the Chinese receiving unit and the expert. Taxes and fees incurred in the process of allocating funds to the receiving unit and issuing funds to the expert shall be paid by the Chinese receiving unit according to the regulations of its unit and the tax department.

4. Declaration Method

Chinese receiving units and the program candidates must log on to the official website of the International Program to declare. The specific process is as follows:

(1) The parent account applied by the Chinese receiving unit shall take effect after being reviewed by the post recommendation and review department (the relevant departments and bureaus in charge of international science and technology cooperation of the institutions under which the Chinese receiving unit is located, or the science and technology departments, committees and bureaus of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately listed in the Plan). The person in charge of the Chinese receiving unit may set up multiple sub-accounts for use by the internal staff of the unit.

(2) The Chinese receiving unit shall apply for the post to be accepted, which shall be reviewed by the post recommendation and review department and approved by the executive management organization. The executive management organization shall publish the post.

(3) International Program candidates can log in to the International Program website for job applications after receiving the recommendation letter from the personnel recommendation agency.

(4) The Chinese receiving unit will select the International Program candidates who match the position, verify their identity information, and send them the letter of intent to receive.

(5) The Chinese receiving unit and the International Program candidates shall upload the application materials.

(6) After the preliminary formal review by the post-recommendation review department and the review by the executive management agency, the relevant application materials will be evaluated according to the funding quota and registration situation (only the international Program projects that have passed the formal review exceed the planned quota), and the results will be submitted to the competent department of the program (Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology of China) for approval.

(7) The competent department shall determine the final project approval list according to the review results submitted by the executive management organization. The executive management body shall issue the acceptance notice to the Chinese receiving unit through the International Program Plan management system.

(8) The Chinese receiving unit shall assist the project in handling relevant procedures for work in China.

(9) The Chinese receiving unit prepares the funding materials, applies for funding from the donors, and the donors allocate funds after completing the review.

5. Deadline application

If you are interested in, please contact us by September 6, 2024. The deadline for application of International Program projects this year is September 16, 2024.

6. Website and contact information

Official website: http://tysp.cstec.org.cn

Email address: weiwan@cqu.edu.cn,wangcongle@cqu.edu.cn

(We are happy to provide subsidies for air tickets and accommodation based on monthly salary, as well as support for the cost of research work on campus.)

