
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2022年07月04日 16:20 浏览次数:

姓 名













[1] 安全科学与工程

[2] 煤清洁利用与低碳热转化

[3] 矿物加工工程




2019.07-至今 重庆大学 采矿工程系 讲师、硕士生导师

[1] 2017.07-2019.06 农业部规划设计研究院   农业工程   博士后

[2] 2015.07-2017.01 University of New   Brunswick   石油化工    CSC联陪

[3] 2012.07-2015.06 中科院过程工程研究所  先进能源课题组(AET 联合培养博士

[4] 2011.09-2017.06 中国矿业大学(北京) 矿物加工工程  工学博士(硕博连读)

[5] 2007.09-2011.06 河南理工大学  矿物加工工程 工学学士


担任国家自然科学基金函评专家、重庆市科委评审专家、重庆市经济和信息化委员会专家、教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家;担任全国分析与应用热裂解学术联合会理事、山西省煤炭学会煤炭清洁高效利用常务委员、山西省煤炭学会“千人智库大会”专家、《洁净煤技术》中青年专家委员会委员(2019-2021)、重庆大学教材审核专家; 国际SCI期刊《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Energy》、《Process safety and Environmental Control》等SCI期刊审稿。


1. 国家自然科学青年基金,定向强化流场下低阶煤热解反应机理及过程调控研究,2022/01-2024/01主持

2. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,低阶煤与生物质红外快速共热解反应机理及过程调控研究,2021/09-2024/09主持

3. 科技部“中央级大型科学仪器设备购置”自主研发设备项目,定向热转化反应-气液固相原位在线表征系统,2019/11-2021/12主持

4. 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室面上项目,长焰煤定向热转化基础研究及机理分析,2019/11-2021/11主持

5. 重庆市留学回国人员创业创新支持计划,小粒径低阶煤定向热解反应机理及过程调控研究,CX20191252020/01-2021/01主持

6. 重庆市出站来渝博士后择优资助项目, 生物质热解炭化关键技术与工艺研究,2019LY412020/01-2022/01主持

7. 重庆市博士后研究项目特别资助, 红外快速热解医疗废物模型物反应特性及机理分析,2021XM30732022/01-2023/12主持

8. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,扰动式内构件回转炉生物质热解基础研究及机理分析,2018M6314222018/5-2019/6主持

9. 农业农村部横向委托项目,秸秆样品草谷比及作物籽粒测试,2020/9-2021/9主持

10. 农业农村部横向委托项目,赴西南地区调研验证所测定系数的可靠性,2020/8-2021/8主持

11. 农业农村部横向委托项目,秸秆红外热转化高值试验委托项目,2020/3-2021/3主持

12. 农业农村部横向委托项目,秸秆资源化利用委托试验,2019/11-2020/11主持

13. 北京理工大学横向委托项目,润滑油液绿色净化技术研究,2018/5-2019/6主持


1. 胡二峰. 一种碳氢原料耦合废弃PVCLCD共热解提取InCl3的装置与方法, 202211380889.1,发明专利;

2. 胡二峰. 一种碳氢原料热解装置与热解方法202011233503.5,发明专利;

3. 胡二峰.生物质与低阶煤分离耦合传热板与低品位铁矿石的共热解系统,202110298334.1,发明专利;

4. 胡二峰.一种扰动式内构件回转炉生物质热解炭化多联产系统,201710739505.3,发明专利;

5. 胡二峰.一种用于生物质热解的赤泥基催化剂的制备方法,202110296820.X,发明专利;

6. 胡二峰. 一种红外快速加热医疗废弃物的热解多联产系统202110874631.6,发明专利;

7. 胡二峰. 一种熔融盐加热医疗废弃物或废旧塑料的热解方法 202110874646.2 ,发明专利;

8. 胡二峰. 一种赤泥催化生物质红外热解的热解装置及热解方法 - 202110296831.8,发明专利;

9. 胡二峰. 一种废机油热解装置与热解方法,202011233499.2,发明专利;

10. 胡二峰.多功能两段床热解系统监测控制平台,2020SR1874567,软件著作权;

11. 胡二峰.废机油热解控制系统及监测平台,2020SR1862029,软件著作权;


1. Hu Erfeng, Zhang Yue, Liu Zuohua, Yu Jianglong, et al. Insight   into dechlorination of pyrolysis oil during fast co-pyrolysis of high-alkali   coal and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024:   153016.

2. Li Moshan,   Lu Yiyu, Hu Erfeng*, et al. Fast   co-pyrolysis characteristics of high-alkali coal and polyethylene using   infrared rapid heating[J]. Energy, 2023: 126635.  

3. Zeng Yongfu,   Liu Zuohua, Yu Jianglong, Hu Erfeng*, et al.   Pyrolysis kinetics and characteristics of waste tyres: Products distribution   and optimization via TG-FTIR-MS and rapid infrared heating techniques[J].   Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 482: 149106.

4. Zeng Yongfu,   Liu Zuohua, Yu Jianglong, Hu Erfeng*,et al.   Enhanced energy efficiency and fast co-pyrolysis characteristics of biogas   residues and long-flame coal using infrared heating and TG-FTIR-MS[J].   Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2024.

5. Zhang Yue,   Li Moshan, Hu Erfeng*, Qu Rui, Li Shuai,   Xiong Qingang. Interaction and characteristics of furfural residues and   polyvinyl chloride in fast Co-pyrolysis. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11705-024-2493-2.

6. Li Chenhao,   Liu zuohua, Yu Jianglong, Hu Erfeng*   et al. Cross-interaction of volatiles in fast co-pyrolysis of waste tyre and   corn stover via TG-FTIR and rapid infrared heating techniques[J]. Waste   Management, 2023, 171: 421-432.

7. Li Chenhao,   Liu zuohua, Yu Jianglong, Hu Erfeng*   et al. Infrared heating and synergistic effects during fast co-pyrolysis of   corn stover and high alkali coal[J]. Process Safety and Environmental   Protection, 2023, 179: 812-821.

8. Dai   Chongyang, Hu Erfeng*, Yang Yang,   et al. Fast co-pyrolysis behaviors and synergistic effects of corn stover and   polyethylene via rapid infrared heating[J]. Waste Management, 2023, 169:   147-156.

9. Li Moshan,   Hu Erfeng*, Tian Yishui, et al.   Fast pyrolysis characteristics and its mechanism of corn stover over iron   oxide via quick infrared heating[J]. Waste Management, 2022, 149: 60-69.  

10. Dai Chongyang,   Hu Erfeng*, Tian Yishui, et al. Infrared   heated co-pyrolysis behavior of polyethylene and corn stover via optimization   of secondary reactions[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022:   105565.

11. Hu Erfeng*, Tian Yishui, Yang Yang, et al. Pyrolysis behaviors of corn stover in new two-stage   rotary kiln with baffle[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022,   161: 105398.

12. Hu Erfeng*, Moshan Li, Yishui Tian, et al. Pyrolysis behaviors of anaerobic digestion residues in a   fixed-bed reactor with rapid infrared heating [J]. Environmental Science and   Pollution Research, 2022:1-12.

13. Hu Erfeng*, Dai Chongyang, Tian Yishui, et al. Infrared heated   pyrolysis of corn stover: Determination of kinetic and thermodynamic   parameters[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021: 105273.

14. Xu Shipei, Hu Erfeng*,   Li Xingchun*, Xu Yu. Quantitative   Analysis of Pore Structure and Its Impact on Methane Adsorption Capacity of   Coal[J]. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30(1): 605-620.

15. Hu Erfeng, Kyle Rogers, Fu Xiaoheng*, et al. Coal pyrolysis and   its mechanism in indirectly heated fixed-bed with metallic heating plate   enhancement[J]. Fuel, 2016, 185: 656-662.

16. Hu Erfeng, Zeng Xi*, Fu Xiaoheng, et al. Characterization of   coal pyrolysis in indirectly heated fixed bed based on field effects[J].   Fuel, 2017, 200: 186-192.

17. Hu Erfeng, Zeng Xi*, Fu Xiaoheng, et al. Effect of the moisture   content in coal on the pyrolysis behavior in an indirectly heated fixed-bed   reactor with internals[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(2): 1347-1354.

18. Hu Erfeng, Zeng Xi*, Wang Fang, et al. Effects of Metallic   Heating Plates on Coal Pyrolysis Behavior in a Fixed-Bed Reactor Enhanced   with Internals[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(3): 2716-2721.

19. Hu Eefeng, Yao Zonglu, Zhao Lixin*, et al. Characteristics of zeolite-modified NiMo/Al2O3   catalysts and their hydrotreating performance for light cycled oil[J]. The   Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 97(5): 1107-1113.

20. Zhang   Chun, Wu Rongcheng, Hu Erfeng, Liu Shuyuan, Xu Guangwen*. Coal   Pyrolysis for High-Quality Tar and Gas in 100 kg Fixed Bed Enhanced with   Internals[J]. Energy   & Fuels, 2014, 28 (11):7294-7302.

21. 胡二峰,武荣成,张纯,郭二卫,付晓恒,许光文*.间热径向流反应器料层厚度对煤热解特性的影响[J].化工学报,2015,66(02):738-745.

22. 胡二峰, 张纯,武荣成,付晓恒,许光文*.内构件固定床反应器中不同水分煤的热解特性[J].化工学报,2015,66(07):2656-2663.  

23. 曾永福,田宜水,胡二峰, 屈锐.长焰煤与糠醛渣共热解动力学、热力学及快速热解产物特性[J].太阳能学报, 2024,46(6): 108-114.

24. 李晨浩,田宜水,胡二峰*,.厌氧消化残渣与低阶长焰煤共热解特性[J].农业工程学报,2022,38(23):188-194.

25. 戴重阳,田宜水,胡二峰*,. 生物质与低阶煤共热解特性研究及其技术进展[J].太阳能学报, 2021,42(12):318-325.

26. 李沫杉,田宜水,胡二峰*,. 沼渣热解动力学、热力学分析及热解产物特性研究[J].太阳能学报, 2022, 43(6):225-233.

27. 胡二峰,赵立欣*,.石英管定向强化流场模拟内构件反应器不同厚度煤热解特性[J].煤炭学报,2018,43(12):3504-3509.

28. 胡二峰,赵立欣*,.生物质热解影响因素及技术研究进展[J].农业工程学报,2018,34(14):212-220.

29. 胡二峰, 赵立欣*,.热解温度对回转窑玉米秸秆热解产物理化特性的影响[J].农业工程学报,2019,35(11):233-238.  

30. 刘壮, 田宜水, 胡二峰*, . 低阶煤热解影响因素及其工艺技术研究进展[J]. 洁净煤技术, 2021, 27(1):50-59.

