
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2023年10月19日 15:12 浏览次数:


















2012.09-2016.06  太原理工大学  矿业工程学院    矿物加工工程  工学学士

2017.09-2023.06  中国矿业大学  化工学院   矿物加工工程  博士学位(硕博连读)

2023.07-至今  重庆大学      资源与安全学院  采矿工程系  助理研究员


[1] 江苏省研究生科研创新计划,非均质表面润湿性与可浮性响应机理研究,KYCX21_24112021.04-2022.04,主持;

[2] 国家重点研发计划,煤系战略性金属矿产协同分离回收理论与技术,2021YFC29026022021.12-2025.11,主要参与;

[3] 国家重点研发计划,题基于粗粒分选的钼钨固废源头减量及建材化利用技术与示范,2020YFC19088032020.11-2023.10,主要参与;

[4] 国家重点研发计划,深部井下结构紧凑型煤矸智能化精确分选技术及装备,2018YFC06047022018.07-2021.06,参与;

[5] 国家优秀青年科学基金,低品质煤浮选提质,519221062020.01-2022.12,主要参与;

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,机械破孔-胶体封孔协同强化煤气化飞灰浮选脱炭机理研究,521742652021.08-2025.12,主要参与;

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微纳胶质荷正电气泡强化低阶/氧化煤浮选的机理研究,517742862018-01-2021-12,参与;

[8] 国家自然科学基金-国际(地区)合作与交流项目-对外交流与合作项目,基于表界面微纳力学的浮选分离新原理,M-02302021.01-2023.12,参与;

[9] 江苏省杰出青年基金,难浮难选煤浮选界面调控,BK201800322018.08-2021.06,参与。


1.张锐. 一种机械活化与复配药剂联合浮选的气化飞灰脱炭方法;ZL202110100569.5;发明专利

2.张锐. 一种低阶煤浮选用极性混合药剂及浮选工艺;ZL202010075656.5;发明专利

3.张锐. 一种低阶煤浮选药剂及浮选方法;ZL202010075784.X;发明专利

4.张锐. 一种利用含盐废水处理煤泥的浮选工艺;ZL201910242811.5;发明专利

5.张锐. 一种化工杂盐的资源化利用方法;ZL201910243254.9;发明专利

6.张锐. 一种煤用浮选药剂乳化设备及方法;CN115178119A;发明专利

7. ZHANG, Rui. Efficient flotation reagent for   low-rank coal and flotation methodWO/2021/147508PCT专利

8. ZHANG, Rui. Flotation process for treating   coal slime by using salt-containing wastewaterWO/2020/192046PCT专利


1. Rui Zhang, Yangchao Xia, Fangyu Guo, et.al. Effect   of microemulsion on low-rank coal flotation by mixing DTAB and diesel oil. Fuel,   2020, 260: 116321.

2. Rui Zhang, Yaowen Xing, Yangchao Xia, et.al.   New insight into surface wetting of coal with varying coalification degree:   An experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study. Applied   Surface Science, 2020, 511: 145610.

3. Rui Zhang, Fangyu Guo, Yangchao Xia, Jinlong   Tan, Yaowen Xing, Xiahui Gui*. Recovering unburned carbon from gasification   fly ash using saline water. Waste Management, 2019, 98: 29-36.

4. Rui Zhang, Yaowen Xing, Yangchao Xia, et.al.   Molecular dynamics simulation study of bubble attachment at the coal surface   with varying coalification degrees. ACS Omega, 2020:   20134-20140.

5. Rui Zhang, Yaowen Xing, Yangchao Xia, et.al.   Synergistic adsorption mechanism of anionic and cationic surfactant mixtures   on low-rank coal flotation. ACS Omega, 2020, 5: 20630-20637.

6. Rui Zhang, Haishan Huang, Jincheng Liu, et.al.   Improving flotation decarbonization efficiency of coal gasification fly ash   by mechanically breaking pore: An experimental and molecular dynamics   simulation study. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and   Engineering Aspects, 2023, 663: 131074.

7. 张锐, 夏阳超, 谭金龙, 丁世豪, 邢耀文, 桂夏辉*.低阶煤分子碳结构的分析与研究.中国煤炭, 2018, 44, 12: 88-94, 116. (高被引论文)

8. Jincheng Liu, Rui Zhang, Xicheng Bao, et.al.   New insight into the role of the emulsified diesel droplet size in low rank   coal flotation. Fuel 2023(338): 127388.

9. Yangchao Xia, Rui Zhang, Yaowen Xing, et.al.   Improving the adsorption of oily collector on the surface of low-rank coal   during flotation using a cationic surfactant: An experimental and molecular   dynamics simulation study. Fuel 2019; 235: 687-695. ESI热点、高被引论文)

10. Yangchao Xia, Rui Zhang, Yijun Cao, et.al.   Role of molecular simulation in understanding the mechanism of low-rank coal   flotation: A review. Fuel 2020; 262: 116535.

11. Yangchao Xia, Rui Zhang, Zili Yang, et.al.   Recovering clean low-rank coal using shale oil as a flotation collector. Energy   Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects   2019, 41(15): 1838-1846.

12. Yangchao Xia, Zili Yang, Rui Zhang, et.al.   Enhancement of the surface hydrophobicity of low-rank coal by adsorbing DTAB:   An experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study. Fuel   2019; 239: 145-152. (高被引论文)

13. Yangchao Xia, Zili Yang, Rui Zhang, et.al.   Performance of used lubricating oil as flotation collector for the recovery   of clean low-rank coal. Fuel 2019; 239: 717-725.

14. Yangchao Xia, Longwu Wang, Rui Zhang, et.al.   Enhancement of flotation response of fine low-rank coal using positively   charged microbubbles. Fuel 2019; 245: 505-513. (高被引论文)

15. Yangchao Xia, Zili Yang, Rui Zhang, Yaowen   Xing, Xiahui Gui*. Mechanism analysis of DTAB on the change in surface   wettability of low-rank coal and its relationship to flotability. International   Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 2022; 42 (1): 82-96.

16. Ming Li, Yaowen Xing, Chunyun Zhu, Qinshan Liu, Zili Yang,   Rui Zhang, Youfei Zhang, Yangchao Xia, Xiahui Gui*. Effect of   roughness on wettability and floatability: Based on wetting film drainage   between bubbles and solid surfaces. International Journal of Mining   Science and Technology 2022; 32: 1389-1396.

17. Chunyun Zhu, Jincheng Liu, Yaowen Xing, Ming Li, Rui   Zhang, Guosheng Li, Xiahui Gui*. Investigation of adhesion behavior   between reactive oily bubble and low-rank coal, Colloids and Surfaces   A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 632(2): 127809.

18. Chengyong Wang*, Yaowen Xing, Yizhu Lei, Yangchao Xia,   Chenhu Zhang, Rui Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Peng Chen, Shan Zhu,   Jihui Li, Xiahui Gui*. Adsorption of water on carbon materials: The formation   of “water bridge” and its effect on water adsorption, Colloids and Surfaces   A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2021, 631: 127719.

19. Chengyong Wang, Yaowen Xing*, Yangchao Xia, Rui   Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Kaiyi Shi, Jinlong Tan, Xiahui Gui*. Investigation   of interactions between oxygen-containing groups and water molecules on coal   surfaces using density functional theory, Fuel 2021, 287(6):   119556.

20. Guoqiang Rong, Yangchao Xia, Youfei Zhang, Fangyu Guo,   Dongyue Wang, Rui Zhang, Yaowen Xing, Xiahui Gui*. Effect of   Comminution Methods on Low-Rank Coal Bubble–Particle Attachment/Detachment:   Implications for Flotation. Minerals 2019, 9: 452.

