
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2021年06月04日 08:59 浏览次数:














20215 至今, 重庆大学,资源与安全学院,教授,博导

20158 – 20214月,英国阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen,地球科学学院,Lecturer

20127 – 20157月,美国宾州州立大学(Penn State University),能源与矿产工程,博士学位

20108 – 20125月,美国宾州州立大学(Penn State University),石油与天然气工程,硕士学位

20068 – 20107月,中国地质大学(北京),石油工程,学士学位


1. 国家海外高层次人才引进项目,2021-2026,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金委联合基金项目 U23B20160 “枯竭气藏二氧化碳埋存多场耦合运移规律及智慧安全监测评价”,2024-2028,主持;

3. 中海油CO2封存示范工程项目“咸水层CO2封存潜力评价分析”,2022,主持;

4. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,5217041034,深部断层活化粘滑摩擦与应力压溶的耦合机理探索,2022-2025,主持;

5. 科技部重点研发计划2021YFC3000603“川滇地区断裂带岩石物性、摩擦参数与力学机理”子课题,2022-2025,主持;

6. 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验面向2030重大项目“基于热流固化多场耦合探索二氧化碳咸水层封存的密闭性演化研究”,2022-2027,主持;

7. 四川省重点项目22SYSX0052“页岩油气藏CO2资源利用、地质封存及稳定性评价一体化技术” 2022-2025,参与;

8. 欧盟地平线H2020联合GEOTHERMICA资助,731117,热流固化(THMC)耦合模拟CO2在地热储层中的化学运移与封存, 2019/1-2020/10,主持;

9. 中石化勘探开发研究院委托研究项目, 跨尺度数字岩心技术在复杂裂缝型碳酸盐岩油藏中的应用研究, 2019-2021,主持;

10. 尼日亚石油技术研发基金,   PTDF/ED-PHD-AWG-1171/17, 热流固耦合模拟活跃火山不稳定喷发与盖层破裂机理探索,主持,2017-2021

11. 美国能源部,连续介质-非连续介质的THMC模拟地热增产开发以及诱发地震分析,2010-2015,参与;


1.英国阿伯丁大学,,卓越研究贡献奖(Research Excellence Award, 2018

2.欧盟 European Commisions, Erasmus   Mobility教学与研究贡献奖,


· Ma, Y., Li, Y., Gan, Q. and Zhi, S.,   2023. Influence of fracture pattern between Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (HSA) and   Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) on thermal production and permeability   evolution. Geothermics, 114, p.102804.

· Hu, Y., Gan, Q., Hurst, A. and   Elsworth, D., 2023. Investigation of coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of   hydraulic fracture propagation and interaction with natural fractures.   International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 169, p.105418.

· Wang, C., Wu, K., Scott, G., Akisanya,   A.R. and Gan, Q., 2022. Explicit incorporation of discrete fractures into   pore network models. Water Resources Research, 58(12), p.e2021WR031731.

· Hu, Y., Gan, Q., Hurst, A. and   Elsworth, D., 2022. Hydraulic fracture propagation and interaction with   natural fractures by coupled hydro-mechanical modeling. Geomechanics and   Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(1), pp.1-26.

· Gan, Q., Candela, T., Wassing, B.,   Wasch, L., Liu, J. and Elsworth, D., 2021. The use of supercritical CO2 in   deep geothermal reservoirs as a working fluid: Insights from coupled THMC   modeling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 147,   p.104872.

· Gan, Q., Feng, Z., Zhou, L., Li, H.,   Liu, J. and Elsworth, D., 2021. Down-dip circulation at the united downs deep   geothermal power project maximizes heat recovery and minimizes seismicity.   Geothermics, 96, p.102204.

· Akande, W.G., Gan, Q., Cornwell,   D.G. and De Siena, L., 2021. ThermoHydroMechanical Model and Caprock   Deformation Explain the Onset of an Ongoing SeismoVolcanic Unrest. Journal of   Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(3), p.e2020JB020449.

· Gan, Q. and Lei, Q., 2020. Induced   fault reactivation by thermal perturbation in enhanced geothermal systems. Geothermics,   86, p.101814.

· Gan. Q., Elsworth, D., Zhao, Y.,   Grippa, A. and Hurst, A., 2020. Coupled hydro-mechanical evolution of   fracture permeability in sand injectite intrusions. Journal of Rock Mechanics   and Geotechnical Engineering.

· Akande, W.G., De Siena, L. and Gan, Q., 2019.   Three-dimensional kernel-based coda attenuation imaging of caldera structures   controlling the 1982–84 Campi Flegrei unrest. Journal of Volcanology and   Geothermal Research.

· Hu, Y., Gan, Q., Hurst, A. and Elsworth, D., 2018. Evolution   of permeability in sand injectite systems. International Journal of Rock   Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 106, pp.176-189.

· Zhi, S., Elsworth, D., Wang, J., Gan, Q. and Liu, S., 2018.   Hydraulic fracturing for improved nutrient delivery in microbially-enhanced   coalbed-methane (MECBM) production. Journal of Natural Gas Science and   Engineering, 60, pp.294-311.

· White, M.D., Podgorney, R., Kelkar, S.M., McClure, M.W.,   Danko, G., Ghassemi, A., Fu, P., Bahrami, D., Barbier, C., Cheng, Q., Gan,   Q., and Chiu, K.K., 2016. Benchmark Problems of the Geothermal Technologies   Office Code Comparison Study (No. PNNL-26016). Pacific Northwest National   Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (US).

· Gan, Q. and Elsworth, D. (2016), Production Optimization in   Geothermal Reservoir by coupled Discrete Fracture Network Model, Geothermics,   62, pp.131-142.

· Gan, Q. and Elsworth, D. (2016), A continuum model for coupled   stress and fluid flow in discrete fracture networks, Geomechanics and   Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources: 1-19.

· Gan, Q., Elsworth D., Alpern, J.S., Marone, C. and Connolly,   P. (2015), Breakdown Pressures due to Infiltration and Exclusion in Finite   Length Boreholes, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 127,   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2015.01.011.

· Gan, Q. and Elsworth, D. (2014), Thermal Drawdown and   Late-seismic Slip Fault Reactivation in Enhanced Geothermal Reservoirs,   Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, doi: 10.1002/2014JB011323

· Gan, Q. and Elsworth, D. (2014), Analysis of fluid   injection-induced fault reactivation and seismic slip in geothermal   reservoirs, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 119,   doi:10.1002/2013JB010679.

