
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2021年07月02日 10:18 浏览次数:





















1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,咸水层碳封存CO2--岩耦合作用下断层活化机理研究,2024~2026,负责人。

2. 中国博士后科学基金第72批面上项目,光伏-地热储能系统围岩损伤破裂及渗流传热特性演化机理研究,2022/12-2024/6,负责人。

3. 重庆市博士后科研特别资助项目,高温流体注入诱导岩石损伤演化对传热特性的影响机理,2023-2025,负责人。

4. 北京焦恩能源勘查有限公司委托项目,前置二氧化碳复合压裂技术探索研究,2024~2025,负责人。

5. 科技部国家重点研发计划,川滇地区活动断裂三维公共模型与大震危险性研究,2021~2024,主研。

6. 国家自然科学基金联合重点项目,枯竭气藏二氧化碳埋存多场耦合运移规律及智慧安全监测评价, 2024~2027,主研(排名3/10)。

7. 四川省科技部重点项目,页岩油气藏CO2 资源化利用、地质封存及稳定性评价一体化技术,2022~2024,主研。

8. 中海油能源发展股份有限公司委托项目,工技公司南海东部油田二氧化碳回注项目试验及研究服务2024~2026 ,主研。

9. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院委托项目, CO2提高页岩气采收率与地质封存的热流固化耦合机制及数值模拟,2023~202650万,主研。


1. Ma Yueqiang, Xia Kaiwen, Lei Qinghua, Zhang Chongyuan, Derek Elsworth,   Gan Quan, Yuan Liang, Roles of heat and stress transfer in triggering fault   instability in conjugate faulted reservoirs, International Journal of Rock   Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2024, 180: 105819.

2. Wang Mengyao, Quan Gan, Tao   Wang, Ma Yueqiang*, Yan Chengzeng, Philip Benson, Wang Xiao   Guang, Derek Elsworth, Propagation and Complex Morphology of Hydraulic   Fractures in Lamellar Shales Based on Finite-Discrete Element Modeling, Geomech.   Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour, 2024, 10:71

3. Zhou Ling, Yan Peng, Zhang   Yanjun, Lei Honglei, Hao Shuren, Ma Yueqiang*, Sun Shaoyou. Using   Particle Swarm Optimization with Backpropagation Neural Networks and Analytic   Hierarchy Process to Optimize the Power Generation Performance of Enhanced   Geothermal System (EGS). Water, 2024, 16: 509.

4. Ma Yueqiang, Gan Quan, Zhang Yanjun, Huang Yibin. Experimental research   on the heat transfer characteristics of fluid flowing through rock with   intersecting fractures. Geothermicss, 2023,107: 102587.

5. Ma Yueqiang, Li Ying, Gan Quan, Zhi Sheng. Permeability evolution due to   combined thermal stress and in-situ stress during fractured geothermal   reservoir production. Geothermicss, 2023,115: 102831.

6. Ma Yueqiang, Li Ying, Gan Quan, Zhi Sheng. Influence of fracture pattern   between Hot Sedimentary Aquifer (HSA) and Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)   on thermal production and permeability evolution. Geothermicss,2023,114:   102804.

7. Ma Yueqiang, Gan Quan, Zhang Yanjun, Yuan Xuebing. Experimental study of   heat transfer between fluid flowing through fracture surface with tortuous   seepage path. Renewable Energy, 2022, 188: 81-95.

8. Huang Yibin, Zhang Yanjun,   Gao Xuefeng, Ma Yueqiang*, Thermal disturbance analysis in rock-soil   induced by heat extraction from the abandoned well. Geothermics, 2022,   101:102374.

9. Ma Yueqiang, Gan Quan, Zhang Yanjun, Zhou Ling.. Numerical simulation of   the heat production potential of Guide Basin in China considering the   heterogeneity and anisotropy of the reservoir. Geothermicss, 2022,105:   102508.

10. Ma Yueqiang, Yanjun Zhang, Zhongjun Hu, Ziwang Yu, Ling Zhou, Yibin   Huang. Numerical investigation of heat transfer performance of water flowing   through a reservoir with two intersecting fractures. Renewable Energy, 2020, 153:   93-107.

11. Ma Yueqiang, Yanjun Zhang, Zhongjun Hu, Ziwang Yu, Yibin Huang, Chi Zhang,   Experimental study of the heat transfer by water in rough fractures and the   effect of fracture surface roughness on the heat transfer characteristics. Geothermics,   2019, 81: 235-242.

12. Yanjun Zhang, Ma Yueqiang   *, Zhongjun Hu, Honglei Lei, Lin Bai, Zhihong Lei, Qian Zhang, An   experimental investigation into the characteristics of hydraulic fracturing   and fracture permeability after hydraulic fracturing in granite. Renewable   Energy, 2019, 140:615-624.

13. Ma Yueqiang, Yanjun Zhang, Yibin Huang, Yu Zhang, Zhongjun Hu,   Experimental study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of water flowing   through a rock fracture induced by hydraulic fracturing for an enhanced   geothermal system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 154: 433-441.

14. Ma Yueqiang, Yanjun Zhang, Ziwang Yu, Yibin Huang, Chi Zhang, Heat   transfer by water flowing through rough fractures and distribution of local   heat transfer coefficient along the flow direction. International Journal of   Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018,119: 139-147.

