
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2024年04月16日 11:19 浏览次数:














湖北省仙桃市人,中共党员。主要致力于“非常规油气储层地应力评价”、“水力压裂裂缝扩展机理”及“页岩油/气储层裂缝的多尺度控制机理”,“基于热流固耦合的储层数值模拟研究”等工作。在储层横向地应力精细分区,有限元模拟储层地应力分布特征和模拟裂缝起裂--扩展机制,以及页岩裂缝精细描述等方面形成优势特色。获得国家自然科学青年基金1项,国家博士后面上基金1项,国家博士后国际交流计划学术交流项目1项,黑龙江省博士后面上基金1项,以及中石油勘探开发研究院科技攻关项目1项。目前发表学术论文共计32篇,其中一作与通讯SCI论文11篇,授权一作专利3项。为国际SCI期刊Carbonates and EvaporitesGeofluidsFrontiers of Earth   ScienceEnergy Exploration &   ExploitationFrontiers in Earth ScienceActa Geologica   Sinica-English EditionActa GeophysicaJournal of Energy   Engineering, Scientific Reports, Processes, Applied Geochemistry, Journal of   Natural Gas Science and Engineering等的审稿人。


2024-至今 重庆大学 资源与安全学院

2021-2023 巴塞罗那大学 博士后

2018-2023 东北石油大学

2017-2018 北京石油化工学院


2012-2017 中国地质大学(北京) 能源学院 矿产普查与勘探 博士

2016-05-2017-09 阿伯丁大学 访学联培

2008-2012 中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院 地质工程 学士


1、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,陆相页岩油储层应力场控裂缝生长与基质应变联动效应研究,2023-01-01 2025-12-31,主持

2中国博士后科学基金面上资助,复杂构造区页岩油储层三维应力场模拟及动态渗透率预测,2021-07 2023-07,主持


4、黑龙江省博士后面上资助,流固耦合约束下的页岩多尺度天然裂缝控制机理研究,2020-11 2022-08,主持

5、中国地质大学国家煤层气工程中心煤储层物性实验室,热流固三相耦合作用下的煤储层裂缝非均质特征及控制机理,2019 2020,主持

6、中石油勘探开发研究院,泸州区块五峰组龙马溪组页岩裂缝描述,2020-05 2021-12,主持


8、国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,多场耦合作用下的古龙页岩油富集规律研究,2023-01-01 2026-12-31,参与

9、国家自然科学基金面上项目,纯页岩型储层孔缝体系表征及页岩油多尺度运移规律研究,2023-01-01 2026-12-31,参与

10The DGICYT Spanish   Project (Grant no. PID2020-118999GB-I00), funded by the   MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033,(西班牙基金,参与)


2022年度Journal of Natural   Gas Science and Engineering的“Outstanding Reviewer Award”(杰出审稿人奖)






1Huang S.   P., Liu D. M., Yao Y. B., et al., 2017. Natural fractures initiation and   fracture type prediction in coal reservoir under different in-situ stresses   during hydraulic fracturing. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 43:   69-80.

2Huang S.   P., Liu D. M., Cai Y. D., Gan Q., 2019. In-situ stress distribution and   its impact on CBM reservoir properties in the Zhengzhuang area, southern   Qinshui Basin, North China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,   61: 83-96.

3Xu L. L., Huang S. P.*, Wang Y., et al., 2023.   Palaeoenvironment evolution and organic matter enrichment mechanisms of the   Wufeng-Longmaxi shales of Yuan’an Block in Western Hubei, Middle Yangtze: Implications   for shale gas accumulation potential. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 152: 106242.

4Bai X. F., Huang S. P.*, Wang X. D., et al., 2023.   Microscopic Analysis of Natural Fracture Properties in Organic-rich   Continental Shale Oil Reservoirs: A Case Study from Lower Jurassic in the   Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,   11(5): 1036.

5Huang S. P.*, Enrique   G. R., Albert G. Onset and propagation of fractures in deep shale reservoirs:   a dynamic approach based in numerical modeling. The 6th International   Workshop on Rock Physics At: A Coruña, Spain. June 2022.

6黄赛鹏, 姚艳斌, 崔金榜, . 煤储层水力压裂破裂压力影响因素数值模拟研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015,   43(4): 123-126.

7Xu L. L., Huang S.   P.*, Sun M. D., et al., 2023. Palaeoenvironmental   Evolution Based on Elemental Geochemistry of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Shales in   Western Hubei, Middle Yangtze, China. Minerals, 13(4): 502.

8Xing Y., Huang S. P.*, Yue J. P., et   al., 2023. Patterns of influence of different landslide boundaries   and their spatial shapes on the uncertainty of landslide susceptibility   prediction. Natural Hazards.

9Li C. T., Zheng J. W.,   Huang S. P.*, 2023. The Effects of   Supercritical CO2 on the Seepage Characteristics and   Microstructure of Water-Bearing Bituminous Coal under In-Situ Stress   Conditions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11: 1188302.

10Sun S. S., Huang S. P.*, Enrique G.   R., et al., 2023. Characterization of   natural fractures in deep-marine shales: A case study of the Wufeng and   Longmaxi shale in the Luzhou Block Sichuan Basin, China. Frontiers of   Earth Science, 17(1): 337-350.

11Xu L. L., Huang S. P.*, Liu Z. X., et al., 2022. The   palaeoenvironment evolutionary characteristics of Niutitang shale in Western Hubei, Middle Yangtze, China. ACS   Omega, 7(28): 24365-24383.

12Xu L. L., Huang S. P.*, Liu Z. X., et al., 2021.   Geological controls of shale gas accumulation and enrichment mechanism in   Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation of western Hubei, Middle Yangtze, China. Frontiers   of Earth Science, 15(2): 310-331.

13Wei J. G., Huang S. P.*, Hao G. W., et al., 2020. A multi-perforation   staged fracturing experimental study on hydraulic fracture initiation and   propagation. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 38(3): 1-19.

14Huang S.   P., Yao Y. B., Tang J. D., et al., 2014. The Effects of Petrographic   Composition on Methane Sorption in Zhengzhuang Distric, Qinshui Basin.   International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering   (EEME 2014), 356-363.

15、张焱林, 黄赛鹏*, 孙梦迪, . 鄂西宜昌地区五峰组—龙马溪组古环境演化及页岩气勘探潜力[J]. 东北石油大学学报, 2023,   47(5): 1-16. (通讯)

