
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2024年04月16日 11:25 浏览次数:













Coupled  Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical behavior of soil and rocksGeomaterial characterization using X-ray CT;  Shear behavior of granular materials; Laboratory experimental methods



(1) 2023-12 至今, 重庆大学(Chongqing University, 资源与安全学院(School of Resources and Safety Engineering, 教授

(2) 2020/03 2023/12, 韩国科学技术联合大学院大学(University   of Science and Technology, 建设环境工程学(Civil and Environmental Engineering, 副教授

(3) 2013/12 2023/12, 韩国建设技术研究院(Korea   Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, 未来智能建设研究本部(Department of Smart   Construction Research, 高级研究员

(4) 2012-10 2013-12, 大林产业(Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd., 土木设计(Civil Engineering Design, 工程师


1. 2009/04 2013/10, 山口大学(Yamaguchi Unviersity, 岩土工程(Geotechnical

Engineering, 博士

2. 2004/09 2009/03, 同济大学(Tongji University, 道路与铁道工程(Road and Railway Engineering, 博士

3. 2000/09 2004/06, 西南交通大学(Southwest Jiaotong University, 土木工程(Civil Engineering, 学士


1. 国家海外高层次人才引进项目,2023-,主持;

2. 韩国科学技术情报通信部,国际合作基础研究项目,裂隙岩体热滑移长期安全性室内试验和数值分析标杆研究(多边国际合作项目DECOVALEX2023 Matching FundTask G, https://decovalex.org/D-2023/overview.html, 2020.3-2023.12,主持;

3. 中韩合作研究项目,基于共和盆地干热岩示范项目的储层改造技术试验和数值分析研究,2018.8-2020.12,主持;

4. 韩国研究财团-国家自然科学基金中韩合作交流项目,基于热流固耦合的裂缝扩展的细观与宏观机理国际交流研究,韩国建设技术研究院-中国石油大学(北京),2018.7-2020.6,主持;

5. 欧洲地平线2020国际合作项目,韩国产业通商资源部,增强型地热系统储层改造技术现场实证Demonstration   of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs, DESTRESS2016.3-2020.11,参与(负责Task 5.3 疲劳水力压裂概念验证);

6. 澳洲CSIRO牵头多边合作交流项目,裂隙岩体的热流固耦合特性研究和数值模拟预测(Phase 3,   2016.9-2019.8,参与(负责Task 3硬岩破裂机理);

7. 韩国能源部,增强型地热储层特性评估模拟器(simulator)开发,2013.12-2016.9,参与;

8. 韩国能源部,MW级地热发电站商用化技术开发(Phase 2),2012.12-2016.12,参与;

9. 韩国科技部,重大项目,TRL6极限环境(月球)模拟器和建设技术开发,2016.1-2024.12,参与,负责月壤烧结材料孔隙结构和力学特性分析;

10. 韩国科技部PAN基碳纤维阻燃建筑隔热材料开发,2021.1-2025.12,参与,负责碳纤维材料微观结构分析。



2.最佳口头报告奖, International   Conference on Geomechanics, Geoenergy and Geo-resources, 2018.09

3.韩国建设技术研究院 Global Lead   Technology表彰, 2016.8

4.韩国建设技术研究院新晋研究员奖, 2015.12

5.上海市优秀博士论文 (2010)

6.同济大学优秀博士论文 (2009)


KR101822934B1Surface Roughness   Characterization of Open and Closed Rock Joints in Deep Cores using X-ray   Computed Tomography2018/01/23


Zhuang L*, Sun C, Hofmann H, et al.   (2024) Comparison of fatigue hydraulic fracturing of granite cores subjected to creep and cyclic injection. Rock Mechanics   and Rock Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-024-03870-1

Sun C, Zhuang L*, You DJ, Yoon JS, Min KB   (2024) Laboratory investigation of thermal stresses in fractured granite:   Effects of fracture surface roughness and initial stress. Tunnelling and   Underground Space Technology, 145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2024.105610

Zhuang L*, Sun C, Pham C, Yeom S, Shin HS (2023) A   preliminary attempt to combine in situ CT measurements with permeability   tests of fractured granite cores. Journal of Fluid Science and Technology,   18(3).  

Nguyen S*,   Kolditz O, Yoon JS, Zhuang L   (2023) Modelling the thermo-mechanical behaviour of a rock joint.   Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 37(26):100520. DOI:


Park J*, Zhuang L, Yoon JS, Park CH, Sun C,   Lee C (2023) Grain-based distinct element modeling of thermoshearing of rock   fracture: DECOVALEX-2023 Task G. Tunnel & Underground Space, 32, 6,   568-585.

Zhuang L, Shin HS*, Yeom S, Pham C, Kim YJ (2022) A novel method for estimating subresolution porosity from CT images and   its application to homogeneity evaluation of porous media. Scientific Reports,   12(16229).

Zhuang L*, Zang A, Jung S (2022) Grain-scale   analysis of fracture paths from high-cycle hydraulic fatigue experiments in   granites and sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining   Sciences 157,   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2022.105177

Zhuang L, Zang A* (2021) Laboratory hydraulic   fracturing experiments on crystalline rock for geothermal purpose. Earth-Science   Reviews, 216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103580.

Sun C, Zhuang   L*, Jung SG, Lee J, Yoon JS (2021) Thermally induced slip of a single sawcut granite fracture under biaxial   loading. Geomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour., 7:96.

Ji Y, Zhuang L*, Wu W, Hofmann H, Zang A, Zimmermann G (2021) Cyclic water injection potentially mitigates seismic risks   by promoting slow and stable slip of a natural fracture   in granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, DOI   10.1007/s00603-021-02438-7.

Pham C, Zhuang   L, Yeom S, Shin HS* (2021) Automatic fracture   detection in CT scan images of rocks using modified faster R-CNN   deep-learning algorithm with rotated bounding box. Tunnel & Underground   Space, 31(5): 374-384.

Zhuang L*, Jung SG,   Diaz M, Kim KY*, Hofmann H, Min KB, Zang A, Zimmermann G, Stephansson O, Yoon   JS (2020) Laboratory true triaxial hydraulic fracturing of granite under six   fluid injection schemes and grain-scale fracture observations. Rock Mechanics   and Rock Engineering, 53: 43294344.

Zhuang L, Yeom S, Shin HS* (2020) Development of triaxial cells operable with in situ X-ray CT for   hydro-mechanical laboratory testing of rocks. Journal of Korean Geotechnical   Society, 36(9): 4555.

Zhuang L, Jung SG, Diaz M, Kim, KY* (2020) Laboratory   investigation on hydraulic fracturing of granite core specimens. In: Shen,   B., Stephansson, O., Rinne, M. (Eds.)   Modelling Rock Fracturing Processes ‒Theories,   Methods, and Applications, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Zhuang L, Kim KY*,   Diaz M, Yeom S (2020) Evaluation of water saturation effect on mechanical   properties and hydraulic fracturing behavior of granite. International   Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 130,   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104321.

Zhuang L, Kim KY*,   Jung SG, Diaz M, Min KB, Zang A, Stephansson O, Zimmermann G, Yoon JS, Hofmann H (2019) Cyclic hydraulic fracturing of Pocheon granite   cores and its impact on breakdown pressure, acoustic emission amplitudes and   injectivity. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences,   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2019.104065

Zhuang L, Kim KY*,   Jung SG, Diaz M, Min KB (2019) Effect of water infiltration, injection rate   and anisotropy on hydraulic fracturing behavior of granite. Rock Mechanics   and Rock Engineering, 52, 575589.

Zhuang L, Diaz M, Jung SG, Kim KY* (2016) Cleavage dependent   indirect tensile strength of Pocheon granite based on experiments and DEM   simulation. Tunnel & Underground Space, 26(4), 316‒326.

Kim KY,   Zhuang L*, Yang H, Kim   H, Min KB (2016) Strength anisotropy of Berea sandstone: Results of X-ray   computed tomography, compression tests, and discrete modeling. Rock Mechanics   and Rock Engineering, 49: 12011210.

Kim U,   Kim D, Zhuang L* (2016) Influence   of fines content on the undrained cyclic shear strength of sand-clay mixtures.   Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 83, 124134.

Zhuang L, Nakata Y, Kim U, Kim D* (2014)   Influence of relative density, particle shape, and stress path on the plane   strain compression behavior of granular materials. Acta Geotechnica, 9, 241255.

Zhuang L*, Nakata Y, Lee IM. (2013)   Localized deformation in sands and glass beads subjected to plane strain   compressions. Geomechanics and Engineering, 5(6), 499517.

