
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2021年03月03日 09:40 浏览次数:















2013-092016-06, 吉林大学, 建设工程学院, 博士

2011-092013-06, 吉林大学, 建设工程学院, 硕士

2007-092011-06, 吉林大学, 建设工程学院, 学士



1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51904041, 孔隙填充型水合物储层弹性波传播特性研究, 2020-012022-12, 27万元, 在研, 主持

2)科技部,国家重点研发计划项目,煤矿深部开采煤岩动力灾害防控技术研究课题,2017YFC0804202,深部煤岩动力灾害危险性区域快速探测与评价技术, 2017-062020-12100万,在研,参加。

3)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,51876017,低渗双重介质中水合物相变动力学及其控制机制研究,2019-012021-1260万,在研,参加。



1)罗永江; 王聪; 刘姝; 李莉佳; 梁运培; 李波; 焦冰洋; 吴浪. 一种高效溶解甲烷促进天然气水合物开采的方法. 发明专利, 申请号:CN201911096790.7,已公开.

2)罗永江; 王聪; 李莉佳; 李波; 梁运培; 王馨; 刘姝; 冯俊辉. 一种电脉冲加热地层的天然气水合物开采方法. 发明专利,申请号:CN201911095694.0,已公开.

3)罗永江; 李莉佳; 梁运培; 胡千庭; 彭枧明. 半导体制冷式冰冻取芯器. 发明专利, 申请号:CN201910406856.1,已公开.

4)罗永江; 王法凯; 梁运培; 胡千庭; 何将福. 孔底瓦斯含量测量装置和测量方法. 发明专利, 申请号:CN201810827530.1,已公开.

5)罗永江; 李柏军; 梁运培; 胡千庭; 彭枧明; 何将福; 李波. 一种转阀式液动冲击器. 发明专利, 申请号:CN201711459418.9,已授权.

6)罗永江; 梁运培; 胡千庭; 彭枧明; 何将福;李波. 一种空气钻进用煤瓦斯冷冻取样器. 发明专利, 申请号:CN201710224031.9,已授权.

7)罗永江; 梁运培; 胡千庭; 彭枧明; 何将福. 一种自动补冷的液氮制冷式煤瓦斯取样器. 发明专利, 申请号:CN201611164107.5,已授权.


(1) Yunpei Liang, Youting Tan, Yongjiang Luo*, Yangyang Zhang, Bo   Li. Progress and challenges on gas production from natural gas hydrate-bearing   sediment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, Volume 261, 121061.(通讯)

(2) Shu Liu; Yangyang Zhang; Yongjiang Luo*;   Yunpei Liang*; Bo Li; Analysis of hydrate exploitation by a new in-situ heat   generation method with chemical reagents based on heat utilization. Journal   of Cleaner Production, 2020, 249, 119399. (通讯)

(3) Yunpei Liang, Youting Tan, Fakai Wang,   Yongjiang Luo*, Zhiqiang Zhao.   Improving permeability of coal seams by freeze-fracturing method: The   characterization of pore structure changes under low-field NMR. Energy   Reports, 2020, Volume 6, 550-561. (通讯)

(4) Wang Fakai; Luo Yongjiang*; Liang Yunpei; et al. Sampling Methane-Bearing   Coal Seams by Freezing Method: Coalbed Methane Desorption and Inhibition   Characteristics Under Freezing Temperature. Natural resources research, 2020,   29(2), 1351-1360. (通讯)

(5) Xinxin Zhang; Shaohe Zhang; Yongjiang Luo*; Dongyu Wu;   Experimental study and analysis on a fluidic hammer-an innovative   rotary-percussion drilling tool, Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering, 2019, 173:362-370. (通讯)

(6) Xinxin Zhang; Yongjiang Luo*; Liming Fan; Jianming Peng; Kun Yin; Investigation   of RC-DTH air hammer performance using CFD approach with dynamic mesh method,   Journal of Advanced Research, 2019, 18:127-135. (通讯)

(7) Lijia Li; Yongjiang Luo*; Jianming Peng; Zhiwei Liao; Theoretical analysis   of the influence of drilling compaction on compressional wave velocity in   hydrate-bearing sediments, Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7(2):   420-430. (通讯)

(8)   Xinxin Zhang; Yongjiang   Luo*; Xin Gan; Kun Yin; Design and numerical analysis of a   large-diameter air reverse circulation drill bit for reverse circulation   down-the-hole air hammer drilling, Energy Science & Engineering, 2019,   7(3): 921-929. (通讯)

(9) Laing Yunpei; Wang Fakai; Luo Yongjiang*; et al. Experimental   study on principles of isothermal dehydration of anthracite. Drying   Technology, 2019, 37(1), 38-46. (通讯)

(10) Liang Yunpei; Wang Fakai; Luo Yongjiang*; et al. Desorption   characterization of methane and carbon dioxide in coal and its influence on   outburst prediction. Adsorption science & technology, 2018, 36(7-8), 1484-1495.   (通讯)

(11) Luo   Yongjiang; Peng Jianming; Li Lijia; et al. Development of a specially   designed drill bit for down-the-hole air hammer to reduce dust production in   the drilling process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112, 1040-1048.(一作)

(12) Luo   Yongjiang; Peng Jianming; Sun Mingze; et al. An ice-valve-based   pressure-coring system for sampling natural hydrate-bearing sediments:   Proof-of-concept laboratory studies. Journal of natural gas science and   engineering, 2015, 27, 1462-1469. (一作)

(13)   Luo Yongjiang; Peng Jianming; Li Peng; et al. Influence of heterogeneous   hydrate distribution on the compressional wave velocity of hydrate-bearing   sediment specimens. Journal of natural gas science and engineering, 2015, 22,   90-97. (一作)

(14) Luo   Yongjiang; Li Lijia; Peng Jianming; et al. Detection of multilayer   cavities by employing RC-DTH air hammer system and cavity auto scanning laser   system. Archives of mining sciences, 2015, 60(4), 1041-1052. (一作)

