
作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2017年10月24日 16:01 浏览次数:

















2015/12-   至今,重庆大学,安全工程系,副教授


[1] 国家自然科学基金(青年),动-静载作用下尾矿库稳定性及溃决尾砂大变形运移机制研究(No. 51904040),2020-202225万,主持;

[2] 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,山地复杂地形尾矿库溃坝泥砂流的形成及演进机制研究(No.cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0747),2020-202310万,主持;

[3] 重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划,重庆地区锰尾矿固结特性及尾矿库稳定性研究(No. cx2018071),2019-20215万,主持;

[4] 尾矿库溃坝诱发泥砂流致灾机制及危险度评价,中央高校基本科研业务费项目前沿交叉专项No. 2020CDJQY-A045),2020-202115万,主持;

[5] 尾矿沉积过程宏细观力学行为特性及闭库安全设计研究,国家重点实验室自主课题面上项目(No. 2011DA105287-MS201605),2016-201810万,主持;

[6] 膏体尾矿流变-固结耦合机理及动力学特性研究,中央高校基本科研业务费学院专项项目No. 106112016CDJXY240004),2016-20175万,主持;

[7] 尾矿库闭库封顶设计的稳定性分析研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目No. 0222001104460),2018-20205万,主持;

[8] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目(No.2020CDJ-LHZZ-003),2020-20235万,主持;

[9] 煤与瓦斯突出及煤-瓦斯两相流动力致灾多场耦合试验研究,国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,No.   51874055),2019-202271.4万,参与(负责人:许江);

[10] 重庆大学三进工作专题课程建设项目《安全管理学》,2018-2020,主持。


1. 田森(4/8)高尾矿库溃坝灾害预警关键技术与溃后影响评价研究及其应用,云南省科技进步二等奖,2019

2. 田森(11/15 新城金矿软破介质中高价值残矿体安全开采技术研究,中国黄金协会科学技术一等奖,2016

3. 获重庆大学正风铸魂,立德树人教职工演讲比赛一等奖,2018


1. 田森, 蔡琛媛, 陈结, 戴炫妍, 王光进. 一种用于矿山安全评价和风险预测的数学模型建立方法,2019.01,中国,发明专利,CN202010432814.8,公开.

2. 陈结,蒲源源,田森,吴斐,聂闻,等. 滑坡型地质灾害智能预警与灾情综合评估系统软件V1.02020.01,计算机软件著作权,2020SR0657426.



代表性论文 (第一或通讯作者)

[1] Guangjin Wang, Sen Tian*, et al. An experimental study on tailings deposition   characteristics and variation of tailings dam saturation line. Geomechanics   and Engineering, 2020, 23: 85–92.  

[2] Sen Tian*, Xuanyan Dai, Guangjin Wang, Yiyu Lu, Jie Chen. Formation   and Evolution Characteristics of Dam Breach and Tailings Flow From   Dam Failure: An Experimental Study. Natural Hazards, 2020, in   press.

[3] Sen Tian*, Xuanyan Dai, Maoxiang Li, Linxing   Zhang and Jie Chen. Influence of initial distance and heating rate on the   aggregation of Cu and Au nanoparticles: a MD study. Modern Physics Letters   B, 2020, 2150001.

[4] Shouyin Cai, Qizhong   Tang, Sen Tian*, Yiyu Lu, et al.   Molecular Simulation Study on the Microscopic Structure and Mechanical   Property of Defect-Containing sI Methane Hydrate. International Journal of   Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(9), 2305.

[5] Linxing Zhang, Sen Tian*,   et al. Molecular   Simulations of Sputtering Preparation and Surface Properties transformation   of Au/Cu Alloy Coatings Under Different Incident Energy. Metals, 2019,   9(2), 259.

[6] Shouyin Cai, Sen   Tian*, Yiyu Lu, et al. Molecular Simulations of Adsorption and   Energy Storage of R1234yf, R1234ze(z), R134a, R32, and their Mixtures in   M-MOF-74 (M=Mg, Ni) Nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 7265.  

[7] Guangjin Wang, Sen Tian*, et   al. Evolution Pattern of   Tailings Flow from Dam Failure and the Buffering Effect of Debris Blocking   Dams. Water, 2019, 11(11), 2388.

[8] Sen   Tian*, Jianhong Chen, Longjun Dong. Rock strength   interval analysis using the testing blind data theory and fuzzy interval   estimation. Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24(1): 168177.

[9] Qi Yue, Sen Tian*, Maoxiang Li, et al.   The coalescence behavior of water and ethanol droplets: A molecular dynamic   study. Modern Physics Letters B, 2020, 34, 2050280.

[10] Zhuangjun Wu, Maoxiang   Li, Sen Tian*, et al. Molecular   dynamics simulation of sintering of Cu and Au nanoparticles. International   Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020, 34, 2050049.

[11] Qiang Wang, Sen   Tian*, et al. Molecular Simulations of Adsorption and Thermal   Energy Storage of Mixed R1234ze/UIO-66 Nanoparticle Nanofluid. Journal of   Nanomaterials, 2019, 5154173.

[12]   Zehao Cao,   Sen Tian*, Hu Si, Yiyu Lu, Jie Chen. Safety Performance Evaluation   (SPE) of Uncertainty Quantification Based on Grey Dynamic Modeling: Case   Study of a Coal Mine in China. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,   2020, 38, 3903–3913.

[13]   Sen Tian, Jianhong Chen. An Evaluation Model for Tailings Storage   Facilities Using Improved Neural Networks and Fuzzy Mathematics. Journal   of Applied Mathematics, 2015, 5: 1–9.

[14]   Qiang Wang, Qizhong Tang, Sen Tian*. Molecular dynamics simulation of   sI methane hydrate under compression and tension. Open   Chemistry, 2020, 18(1), 69–76.

[15] Linxing Zhang,   Qibin Li, Sen Tian*, et al. Molecular Dynamics   Simulation of the Cu/Au Nanoparticle Alloying Process. Journal of   Nanomaterials, 2019, 7612805.

[16] Sen Tian*, Jianhong   Chen. Law analysis of   performance evaluation for mine safety based on combinatorial decision by   multiple theories. Journal of Central South University,   2016, 47(6): 2073–2082.

[17] Sen Tian, Jianhong   Chen. Multi-hierarchical   fuzzy judgment and nested dominance relation   of the rough set theory-based environmental risk evaluation for tailings   reservoirs [J]. Journal of Central South University,   2015, 22(12): 47974806.

[18] Guangjin   Wang, Sen Tian*, et al. Regional Hazard   Degree Evaluation and Prediction for Disaster Induced by Discharged Tailings   Flow from Dam Failure. Geotechnical and Geological   Engineering, 2020,10.

[19] 田森*, 司鹄, 刘莉, 刘鹏. 安全工程专业学位研究生"四位一体"式教学实践. 31届全国高校安全科学与工程学术年会论文集, 2019.教改

[20] 田森*, 司鹄, 刘莉, 李波. “职业卫生与防护课程金字塔式教学模式探索与实践. 现代职业安全, 2020, 3, 93–95. 教改

