Name:Hu Erfeng
Title:Associate Professor
Research Field
Coal clean utilization, organic waste utilization, pyrolysis, mineral processing
Received Ph.D. from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 2017. His supervisors are Prof. Fu Xiaoheng and President. Xu Guangwen.
Work experience
1. Post Doctor in Academy of Agricultural Planning and Engineering, China, from 2017 to 2019.
2. Sep. 2011- Dec. 2016, worked on clean and high efficiency utilization of low-rank coal, engaged in optimizing and magnifying of the fixed-bed pyrolizer with internals, and worked on the improvement of oil shale pyrolysis technology supported by National Basis Research Program of China.
3. July. 2016- Jan. 2017, worked on clean and high efficiency utilization of vacuum residue in Canada, engaged in optimizing this technology in laboratory, and worked on the re-utilization of used plastics supported by New Brunswick of Canada.
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the reaction mechanism and process regulation of low-rank coal pyrolysis under directional enhanced flow field, 2022/01-2024/01, RMB 300 thousand, Head.
2. "Central-level Large-scale Scientific Instruments and Equipment Purchase" independent research and development equipment project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Directed Thermal Conversion Reaction-Gas-Liquid-Solid Phase In-situ Online Characterization System, 2019/11-2021/12, RMB 1.98 million, Head.
3. Chongqing Natural Science Foundation General Project, Research on the Mechanism and Process Control of Infrared Rapid Co-pyrolysis of Low-Rank Coal and Biomass, 2021/09-2024/09, RMB 100 thousand, Head.
4. General Project of State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Basic research and mechanism analysis of directional thermal transformation of long-flame coal, 2019/11-2021/11, RMB 150 thousand, Head.
5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support Program for Returned Overseas Students in Chongqing, Research on the Reaction Mechanism and Process Control of Small-Particle Size Low-Rank Coal Directional Pyrolysis, CX2019125, 2020/01-2021/01, RMB 50 thousand, Head.
6. Outstanding Postdoctoral Funding Project in Chongqing, Chongqing, Research on Key Technologies and Processes of Biomass Pyrolysis and Carbonization, 2019LY41, 2020/01-2022/01, RMB 150 thousand, Head.
7. Specially funded by Chongqing Postdoctoral Research Project, Reaction Characteristics and Mechanism Analysis of Infrared Rapid Pyrolysis of Medical Waste Models, 2021XM3073, 2022/01-2023/12, RMB 50 thousand, Head.
8. Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Fundamental Research and Mechanism Analysis of Biomass Pyrolysis in Disturbed Internal Rotary Furnace, 2018M631422, 2018/5-2019/6, RMB 50 thousand, Head.
9. Horizontally entrusted project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, straw sample straw-grain ratio and crop grain test, 2020/9-2021/9, RMB 90 thousand, Head.
10. Horizontally entrusted project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, to investigate and verify the reliability of the measured coefficients in Southwest China, 2020/8-2021/8, RMB 75 thousand, Head.
11. Horizontally entrusted project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, entrusted project of high-value experiment of straw infrared heat conversion, 2020/3-2021/3, RMB 60 thousand, Head.
12. Horizontally entrusted project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, entrusted experiment of utilization of straw resources, 2019/11-2020/11, RMB 50 thousand, Head.
13. Horizontally entrusted project of Beijing Institute of Technology, Research on Green Purification Technology of Lubricating Fluid, 2018/5-2019/6, RMB 50 thousand, Head.
Awards and Honors
1. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation (Top 3) from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 2018
2. Best Oral Presentation Award at the 6th International Conference on Biomass Energy, 2018
3. China Government Scholarship, July 2015, awarded by the China government, China Scholarship Council, Support for Studying in Canada.
4. China National Scholarship, Dec. 2015, awarded by the China government, Ministry of Education, recognition and appreciation of outstanding research contribution.
For Master degree and PhD students: Comprehensive utilization of mineral resources;
For Bachelor degree and PhD students: Mineral processing technology.
1. Li Moshan, Hu Erfeng*,Tian Yishui, et al. Fast pyrolysis characteristics and its mechanism of corn stover over iron oxide via quick infrared heating[J]. Waste Management, 2022, 149: 60-69.
2. Dai Chongyang, Hu Erfeng*, Tian Yishui, et al.Infrared heated co-pyrolysis behavior of polyethylene and corn stover via optimization of secondary reactions[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022: 105565.
3. Hu Erfeng*, Tian Yishui, Yang Yang, et al. Pyrolysis behaviors of corn stover in new two-stage rotary kiln with baffle[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2022, 161: 105398.
4. Hu Erfeng*, Moshan Li, Yishui Tian, et al. Pyrolysis behaviors of anaerobic digestion residues in a fixed-bed reactor with rapid infrared heating [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022:1-12.
5. Hu Erfeng*, Dai Chongyang, Tian Yishui, et al. Infrared heated pyrolysis of corn stover: Determination of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021: 105273.
6. Hu Erfeng, Zhu Chuanqiang, Kyle Rogers, Han Xue, Wang Jie, Zhao Jing, Fu Xiaoheng*. Coal pyrolysis and its mechanism in indirectly heated fixed-bed with metallic heating plate enhancement[J]. Fuel, 2016, 185: 656-662.
7. Hu Erfeng, Zeng Xi*, Ma Dachao, et al. Characterization of coal pyrolysis in indirectly heated fixed bed based on field effects[J]. Fuel, 2017, 200: 186-192.
8. Hu Erfeng, Zeng Xi*, Ma Dachao, et al. Effect of the moisture content in coal on the pyrolysis behavior in an indirectly heated fixed-bed reactor with internals[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(2): 1347-1354.
9. Hu Erfeng, Zeng Xi*, Wang Fang, et al. Effects of Metallic Heating Plates on Coal Pyrolysis Behavior in a Fixed-Bed Reactor Enhanced with Internals[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(3): 2716-2721.
10. Hu Eefeng, Yao Zonglu, Zhao Lixin*, et al. Characteristics of zeolite-modified NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts and their hydrotreating performance for light cycled oil[J]. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 97(5): 1107-1113.
11. Xu Shipei, Hu Erfeng*, Li Xingchun*, Xu Yu. Quantitative Analysis of Pore Structure and Its Impact on Methane Adsorption Capacity of Coal[J]. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30(1): 605-620.
12. Zhang Chun, Wu Rongcheng, Hu Erfeng, Liu Shuyuan, Xu Guangwen*. Coal Pyrolysis for High-Quality Tar and Gas in 100 kg Fixed Bed Enhanced with Internals[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28 (11):7294-7302.
Expert of Chongqing Economic and Information Technology Commission, Reviewer of Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, Reviewer of Dissertation of the Degree Center of the Ministry of Education; Director of National Academic Federation of Analysis and Applied Thermal Cracking, Standing Member of Shanxi Coal Society for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Coal, Expert of Shanxi Coal Society for "Thousands of Wisdoms Conference".