Name:Nie Baisheng
Research Field
Theory and technology of coal and rock gas dynamic disaster prevention, Gas and dust explosion prevention and control, Utilization of low concentration gas and low quality gas, Smart security and smart emergency, Urban public safety.
Ph. D., Safety Technology and Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, 2001.
.S., Safety Technology and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology , 1998.
Work experience
From Mar. 2022, Dean of the School of Resources and Safety Engineering of Chongqing University, Executive Director of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control.
From May. 2021, Professor of Chongqing University.
Aug. 2011-Aug. 2012, Visiting Scholar of Virginia Tech University.
From Nov. 2010, Visiting Professor, McGill University.
Form Jul. 2009, Professor of China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing).
Dec. 2003-Jun. 2009, Associate Professor of China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing).
Jul. 2003-Nov. 2003, Lecturer of China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing).
1.Standard system and specification for hierarchical management and control of coal mine safety supervision and supervision, Special Topics of the 13th Five Year Key R&D Plan, RMB 2.45 million, 2018-2021, Project leader.
2.Mechanical seepage response law of gas bearing coal in deep mining, The 13th Five Year Key R&D Special Sub topic, RMB 840 thousands, 2016-2019, Project leader.
3.Experimental and theoretical study on coupling of fracture field and gas seepage field of loaded coal, General program of NSFC, RMB 750 thousands, 2014-2017, Project leader.
4.Gas Adsorption and Desorption Law of Broken Coal and Rock Mass with Different Scales, 973 Plan sub topic, RMB 600 thousands, 2011-2015, Project leader.
5.Overseas Master Plan Project, Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs and Ministry of Education, RMB 1 million, 2009-2014, Project leader.
6.New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan of the Ministry of Education, 2008-2010, Project leader.
7.Technology and equipment of high pressure pulsating fatigue water injection to prevent coal and gas outburst, Special Topics of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Science and Technology Support, RMB 1.85 million, 2006-2009, Project leader.
8.Laboratory of Coal and Rock Dynamic Disaster Pre warning Technology, National safety production technology support system, RMB 4.2 million, 2006-2008, Project leader.
9.Development of electromagnetic radiation measurement and analysis system for coal and rock dynamic process, National Natural Science Foundation Instrument Project, RMB 800 thousands, 2005-2007, Project leader.
10.Dynamic monitoring technology of gas bearing coal and rock mass in stope, Special projects for tackling key scientific and technological problems in the Tenth Five Year Plan, RMB 800 thousands, 2005-2006, Project leader.
Awards and Honors
1.Distinguished Professor of "Changjiang Scholars Award Program", 2021.
2.Royal Academy of Engineering-“the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship”, 2019.
3.National Advanced Worker in Coal Education, 2019.
4.Discipline leader in the field of work safety in Beijing, 2018.
5.Top innovative talents in international clean energy from the National Scholarship Foundation, 2018.
6.China Industry University Research Cooperation Innovation Award, 2018.
7.Innovative talent promotion plan, leading talents in science and technology, 2017.
8.Leading talents in the special support plan for national high-level talents, 2016.
9.China Youth Science and Technology Award, 2011.
10.Huo Yingdong Outstanding Young Teachers Fund, 2008.
11.Sun Yueqi Youth Science and Technology Award, 2008.
12.Outstanding talents in the new century, 2007.
13.Outstanding young scientific and technological workers in the production line of the national coal industry, 2007.
14.Beijing New Star of Science and Technology, 2006.
15.The second award of the Scientific and Technological Progress of the State, 2019.
16.The second award of the Scientific and Technological Progress of the State, 2007.
17.Second Prize of Technological Invention, 2015.
18.Second Prize of Natural Science, 2007.
19.Second Prize of Science and Technology, 2018.
20.Second prize of scientific and technological progress, 2015.
21.Second prize of scientific and technological achievements, 2011.
22.Second prize of scientific achievements, 2009.
23.Second prize of scientific and technological achievements, 2003.
24.First Prize of Science and Technology, 2001.
25.Second Prize of Science and Technology, 2000.
26.First Prize of Green Mine Science and Technology, 2019.
27.First Prize of Green Mine Science and Technology, 2018.
28.Second Prize of Science and Technology, 2010.
Courses for undergraduates:
1.Introduction to Mining A.
2.Mine gas control.
Courses for postgraduate students:
1.Cases Study on Mining Safety.
2.Theory and technology of coal and rock dynamic disaster prevention.
3.Prevention technology and application of coal and rock dynamic disaster.
4.Theory and technology of coal and rock dynamic disaster prevention.
5.Research progress of coal and rock dynamic disaster.
6.Research progress of coal rock gas dynamic disaster.
Representative Papers:
[1] Experimental Study on Explosion Characteristics of Ultra-Low Concentration Methane Mixed with Dimethyl Ether, Combustion Science and Technology, 2021(SCI).
[2] Experimental Analysis on Gas and Solid Residues of Pre- and Post-explosion Coal Dust, Energy Fuels, 2021(SCI).
[3] Three-dimensional characterization of open and closed coal nanopores based on a multi-scale analysis including CO2 adsorption, mercury intrusion, low-temperature nitrogen adsorption, and small-angle X-ray scattering, Energy Science & Engineering, 2020(SCI).
[4] The use of AFM in quantitative analysis of pore characteristics in coal and coal-bearing shale, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019(SCI).
[5] Laboratory Study Phenomenon of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on a Mid-scale Simulation System, Science Reports, 2019(SCI).
[6] Quantitative investigation of anisotropic characteristics of methane-induced strain in coal based on coal particle tracking method with X-ray computer tomography, Fuel, 2018(SCI).
[7] Sorption charateristics of methane among various rank coals: impact of moisture, Adsorption, 2016(SCI).
[8] Pore structure characterization of different rank coals using gas adsorption and scanning electron microscopy, Fuel, 2015(SCI).
[9] Mechanism research on coal and gas outburst during vibration blasting, Safety Science, 2012(SCI).
[10] The roles of foam ceramics in suppression of gas explosion overpressure and quenching of flame propagation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011(SCI).
Representative monograph:
[1] Electromagnetic radiation effect of coal and rock failure and its application, Science Press, 2016.
[2] Theory and application of coal gas migration, Science Press, 2014.
[3] Application of Fluent in Coal Mine Safety Engineering, China Labor and Social Security Press, 2018.
[4] Rheological electromagnetic dynamics of coal and rock, Science Press, 2003.
1.International Journal of Mining Science and Technology Guest Editor in Chief.
2.International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Material Editorial Board.
3.International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment Editorial Board.
4.CIM Journal, International Advisory Board Editorial Board.
5.Natural Science Foundation of Georgia Review experts.
6.Member of the Youth Expert Academic Committee of the Journal of Coal Science and Technology.
7.3rd international symposium on mine safety science and engineering Vice Chairman and Academic Committee Member.
8.11th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial
Explosion Member of Academic Committee and Chairman of Branch Venue.
1. Director of National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talent Alliance.
2. International Committee on Mine Safety Science and Engineering Vice Chairman.
3. Vice Chairman of Zhongguancun Green Mine Industry Alliance.
4. Member of Coal Mine Safety Committee of China Coal Society.
5. Member of Ventilation Committee of China Occupational Safety and Health Association.
6. Member of Coal and Rock Dynamic Disaster Committee of China Coal Society.
7. Member of Explosion Safety Special Committee of China Military Engineering Society.
8. Member of the Fifth Youth Working Committee of China Coal Association.
9. Member of American Society of Rock Mechanics.
10. Member of Risk Analysis Professional Committee of China Association for Disaster Prevention.
11. International Research Alliance of Coal committee member.